Here’s a little-known fact: lift kits don’t always increase ground clearance.
Surprised? If you're a fan of our company, probably not. But if you're new to the world of suspension modifications, you might not be aware that most lift kits don't actually increase ground clearance. At best, a lift kit allows for an upgrade to bigger tires...and that upgrade (the tires) gives your vehicle more ground clearance.
But most lift kits have no effect on ground clearance, and this an important thing to know when shopping for a new suspension kit for your vehicle.
There are quite a few different types of lift kits, and they all impact your vehicle's ground clearance a bit differently. Here's a quick synopsis of the three most popular types of lifts:
Body lifts are spacers between the body of the vehicle and the chassis. They basically increase the distance between the fenders and the wheel hubs. They have zero effect on ground clearance, excluding whatever 'lift' is provided by upgraded tires. However, for some vehicles, body lifts are the only type of lift available.
Bracket lifts (aka drop bracket lifts) essentially move the frame "lower", adding new brackets to the frame to allow for relocation of the axles, etc. Bracket lifts are quite popular (particularly on HD trucks), but they have very little effect on ground clearance (excluding tires).
This spoiler didn't cost much, and it almost certainly makes the vehicle worse. Sadly, this is also true of a lot of off-road suspension products on the market today.
Spacer lifts are also quite popular, but they too have very little impact on ground clearance. A spacer lift is just what it sounds like - spacers are added to the coil packs (for coil suspensions), blocks are added above solid axles (most rear suspension systems on trucks are solid axle), and then the vehicle can accommodate larger tires.
Primarily, spacer lifts are popular because they are cheap. However, spacer lifts usually reduce off-road performance:
Spacers and blocks are popular because they're cheap, but you definitely get what you pay for.
*Note: "Pre-load" isn't a 100% technically correct term, but it's a decent proxy for what's actually happening with the spring when a spacer is added to a coil pack.
As an off-road racing company, all our suspension kits and parts are designed to improve vehicle performance.
If you're lifting your vehicle because you want more off-road performance, you need to upgrade key components. Otherwise, a lift is just trying to force OEM parts to do something they were never designed to do. A lift kit should include upgrades to the following:
Upgrading these components will improve the performance of the vehicle AND increase lift. This way, off-road performance is improved, which is the main reason to lift a vehicle in the first place.
Our kits come in three basic flavors:
Most consumers interested in lifting a truck for casual off-road use want to look at our Chase or Prerunner kits - both allow lift without compromising performance.
A full race kit is a thing of beauty, especially once you understand just how radical the suspension upgrades are.
Many of the companies selling suspension parts for trucks and SUVs are all too happy to provide consumers with products that make their vehicle worse. We aren't one of these companies.
ALL of our products improve the performance of the vehicle they're installed on. If you're looking for lift to fit a set of 35" or 37" tires, for example, a Chase kit will probably work just fine (tire size will depend on your vehicle), with the added benefit of making your vehicle better. More suspension travel, better performance in off-road situations that will destroy OEM components, etc.
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